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Bioidentical Hormones & Synthetic Hormones

bioidentical vs synthetic hormones


Let’s discuss the differences between bioidentical hormones and synthetic hormones.

Synthetic hormones are derived from horse urine, and they’re called conjugated equine estrogens.

Bioidentical hormones are derived from a plant source, most commonly the wild yam. And the reason it’s called bioidentical is because the biochemical structure of the plant-derived hormone is identical to our human structure. So our body will process and metabolize the hormones as if it were our own.

Most bioidentical hormones are made at a compounding pharmacy. However, there are bioidentical commercial products available that come in the form of a patch or a pill, or gel.

For my patients, I prescribe bioidentical creams that are made in a regulated compounding pharmacy so that I can customize the dosage and concentration of hormones that match my patient’s needs an option that’s very limited with commercially available products.

 If you would like to work with me one on one, schedule a free consultation so I can learn more about your hormone needs.